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Lettuce 'Winter Density'

Lettuce 'Winter Density'

Regular price 34 kr
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Lactuca sativa var. crispa

Lettuce `Winter Density` is a semi-cos or romaine type with dark green and very crisp foliage. It forms oval, large, solid heads with deep green very crunchy hearts full of flavour. This variety is winter hardy and can remain in the soil over winter. From early March on it can be harvested.

Repeat sowing throughout the season for fresh lettuce heads all season. Lettuce is a "cut and come again" crop,  an alternative to harvesting heads is repeat harvests of outer leaves.

Pre-cultivation: For earlier harvest, 3-4 weeks before planting out.

Direct sowing: March-August. Water before sowing and keep the seed moist during germination. Germination at 4 - 16°C. Lettuce seeds germinate poorly in high heat, not above +20°C.

Sow depth, cm: 0,5-1

Harvest: April-October (from early March for overwintered plants)

Height: 25 cm

Spacing: 20cm / 1-2 plants per GreenStalk pocket

Number of seeds: 100

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