Tomato 'Balconi Yellow'
Tomato 'Balconi Yellow'
Ordinarie pris
42 kr
Ordinarie pris
0.00 kr
42 kr
Solanum lycopersicum
Small cherry tomato, tasty with fresh sweet yellow fruit. Gives a large and early harvest. Grow in pots indoors, on a balcony or patio. No need to pinch, i.e. do not remove shoots in the leaf folds.
Pre-cultivation: Early March to mid-April in seed soil indoors, with plant lighting. Allow to germinate at 18-21 C, light and cooler after germination. Replant to one per pot in fertilized soil when the plants can be handled. Plant out when lower night temperature is 8 C. Sow any time for growing indoors.
Sow depth, cm: 0,5
Height, cm: 30
Harvest: July-Sept (repeat sowings can give harvest year round indoors)
Spacing: 40cm / 1 plant per GreenStalk pocket
Number of seeds: 4