Five tower gardens with five tiers each and deep growing pockets filled with lush growth of berries, vegetables, flowers and leafy greens.

Grow smart. Grow vertically.

Make the most of your small garden, balcony, patio or allotment with vertical container growing.

Grow Towers is the proud European reseller of the exceptional patented GreenStalk grow tower.

Grow a lot in less space & discover the amazing possibilities of your space with Grow Towers.

Shop vertical planters

GreenStalk Original Planter

More Plants. Less Space.

Deep pockets for vegetables and larger plants

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Water them all att once

Patented watering system

Micro-drip watering at the roots

See how it works

Now that we've found each other - Let's Grow!

Brandts Grow Towers handlar om att maximera skörden i det utrymme du har. Ett litet trädgårdsutrymme behöver inte vara ett hinder för en stor skörd - odla smart, odla vertikalt och odla mer med produkter noggrant utvalda av passionerade odlare.