Cool beans! Not much longer to harvest time.

Two months to the day after sowing, the vertical bean tower is only days from first harvest.
There are 72 bush beans plants in this tower (3 plants per pocket, 6 pockets on each level, 4 levels), about half are full of flowers and the earliest varieties French bean 'Maxi' and wax bean 'Serpedor' have beans that will be ready for harvest in just a few more days.

Yes, 72 plants is a lot of beans 😂 For us beans are one of the most important things we grow in our garden as they are such a versatile staple food that freezes excellently. The possibility of growing as many beans as I wished in just 1/4 square meter, was actually the reason I bought my first GreenStalk - imagine how much space was freed up in our limited raised beds with the beans growing vertically!
I've chosen bush bean varieties suitable for growing vertically, most with a height of 40cm, though there is one level with borlotto beans that will reach 65cm. (Note that pole/runner beans and broad beans are not suitable for growing in a GreenStalk).

If you'd like to see them from the beginning or information on the varieties we're growing, see also sowing and transplanting all these beans.
These are growing in a 5-Tier GreenStalk Original vertical planter on an Ultimate Spinner base. The 5th level up top is filled with kale - green kale, red kale and black Tuscan kale.
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