Growing with Grow Towers

Berried treasure

Berried treasure

Strawberries seem to be one of people's favorite things to grow in a GreenStalk vertical planter, and I love this clip of @moulinbarousse getting her GreenStalks planted up in France! Watch with the...

Berried treasure

Strawberries seem to be one of people's favorite things to grow in a GreenStalk vertical planter, and I love this clip of @moulinbarousse getting her GreenStalks planted up in France! Watch with the...

Checking in on the Fall garden

Checking in on the Fall garden

The July sowings have grown up nicely, and we've been enjoying a wealth of leafy greens and herbs from the Fall garden. Particularly the arugula has surprised me in a GreenStalk, never have I...

Checking in on the Fall garden

The July sowings have grown up nicely, and we've been enjoying a wealth of leafy greens and herbs from the Fall garden. Particularly the arugula has surprised me in a GreenStalk, never have I...

beans, tomatoes, carrots and kale sprouts late summer in a greenstalk vertical planter

Evaluation of Cocopeat - 4 months later

This was the first year we tested mixing coconut fiber (Cocopeat) with the soil in our containers. It was an experiment for us and we were hoping it would not be a mistake. It wasn't!

Evaluation of Cocopeat - 4 months later

This was the first year we tested mixing coconut fiber (Cocopeat) with the soil in our containers. It was an experiment for us and we were hoping it would not be a mistake. It wasn't!

2 simple ways to store the cherry tomato harvest

2 simple ways to store the cherry tomato harvest

Tomatoes take a relatively long time from seed to harvest, and some years it can seem we wait forever for that first one to ripen - only to soon after have tomatoes in...

2 simple ways to store the cherry tomato harvest

Tomatoes take a relatively long time from seed to harvest, and some years it can seem we wait forever for that first one to ripen - only to soon after have tomatoes in...

Planting out the fall garden

Planting out the fall garden

Finally a break in the rain, and a chance to replant one of the towers with plants for fall harvest. The lettuce and pointed cabbages have all been harvested from this tower...

Planting out the fall garden

Finally a break in the rain, and a chance to replant one of the towers with plants for fall harvest. The lettuce and pointed cabbages have all been harvested from this tower...

Zucchini & cheddar frittata

Zucchini & cheddar frittata

Summer squash - with cheese and cream you can't go wrong Our zucchini squash continues to grow well, new ones are coming all the time. They are so good in both salads...

Zucchini & cheddar frittata

Summer squash - with cheese and cream you can't go wrong Our zucchini squash continues to grow well, new ones are coming all the time. They are so good in both salads...

After 4 years trying - cauliflower!

After 4 years trying - cauliflower!

I couldn't be happier - after four years I have finally produced a head of cauliflower. Last week I found a small head forming, and tried a trick I'd seen on...

After 4 years trying - cauliflower!

I couldn't be happier - after four years I have finally produced a head of cauliflower. Last week I found a small head forming, and tried a trick I'd seen on...

Cool beans! Not much longer to harvest time.

Cool beans! Not much longer to harvest time.

Two months to the day after sowing, the vertical bean tower is only days from first harvest.   There are 72 bush beans plants in this tower (3 plants per...

Cool beans! Not much longer to harvest time.

Two months to the day after sowing, the vertical bean tower is only days from first harvest.   There are 72 bush beans plants in this tower (3 plants per...

Growing broccoli vertically - first harvest

Growing broccoli vertically - first harvest

I will admit to having been skeptical as to actually getting heads from broccoli grown in a GreenStalk vertical planter, as I usually grow it in a 30L container. Sometimes...

Growing broccoli vertically - first harvest

I will admit to having been skeptical as to actually getting heads from broccoli grown in a GreenStalk vertical planter, as I usually grow it in a 30L container. Sometimes...

Don't forget to feed your vertical garden!

Don't forget to feed your vertical garden!

A well fertilized soil when planting will get your plants off to a great start - but those nutrients won't last the entire season. One of the many things we love about GreenStalk vertical...


Don't forget to feed your vertical garden!

A well fertilized soil when planting will get your plants off to a great start - but those nutrients won't last the entire season. One of the many things we love about GreenStalk vertical...

plug tray with bean plants ready to transplant in vertical garden

Moving into the new bean tower

Beautiful, healthy small bean plants just 18 days after sowing, and it's time to move them into their final home. I've sown three seeds per cell in plug trays to...

Moving into the new bean tower

Beautiful, healthy small bean plants just 18 days after sowing, and it's time to move them into their final home. I've sown three seeds per cell in plug trays to...

yellow summer squash in front of a bowl of zucchini butter

My favorite way to deal with all that summer sq...

Once they start producing, summer squash just won't stop! I'm very fond of summer squash and usually have several plants growing each season, and most years find myself suddenly awash with squash. This recipe...

My favorite way to deal with all that summer sq...

Once they start producing, summer squash just won't stop! I'm very fond of summer squash and usually have several plants growing each season, and most years find myself suddenly awash with squash. This recipe...


Caring for GreenStalk #3 - support for squash p...

Growing in full sun and planted with large plants potatoes, squash, cauliflower and cabbage, GreenStalk #3 is a bit intimidating as I approach it to deal with the squash plants.

Caring for GreenStalk #3 - support for squash p...

Growing in full sun and planted with large plants potatoes, squash, cauliflower and cabbage, GreenStalk #3 is a bit intimidating as I approach it to deal with the squash plants.

Is it time to start your fall garden?

Is it time to start your fall garden?

The second half of July is an exciting time in my garden. Fresh crispy greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions and herbs in abundance. The summer squash is producing it's...

Is it time to start your fall garden?

The second half of July is an exciting time in my garden. Fresh crispy greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions and herbs in abundance. The summer squash is producing it's...

Caring for plants in your vertical garden - Part 2

Caring for plants in your vertical garden - Part 2

Today harvesting fresh lettuce and pruning cabbage in GreenStalk #2. The cool weather plants have enjoyed the weather this summer more than we humans, and this tower was ready for...

Caring for plants in your vertical garden - Part 2

Today harvesting fresh lettuce and pruning cabbage in GreenStalk #2. The cool weather plants have enjoyed the weather this summer more than we humans, and this tower was ready for...

Caring for plants in your vertical garden - Part 1

Caring for plants in your vertical garden - Part 1

GreenStalks gone crazy! After two weeks of rain it's time to get outside again, and I find my GreenStalks have gone nuts and need some serious maintenance. Follow along as...

Caring for plants in your vertical garden - Part 1

GreenStalks gone crazy! After two weeks of rain it's time to get outside again, and I find my GreenStalks have gone nuts and need some serious maintenance. Follow along as...

Can you mulch a GreenStalk vertical planter?

Can you mulch a GreenStalk vertical planter?

Can you/should you mulch the pockets of a GreenStalk planter? Yes, and yes. Avoiding bare soil is just as beneficial when growing in a GreenStalk as anywhere else. Mulching helps...

Can you mulch a GreenStalk vertical planter?

Can you/should you mulch the pockets of a GreenStalk planter? Yes, and yes. Avoiding bare soil is just as beneficial when growing in a GreenStalk as anywhere else. Mulching helps...

Too much lettuce & cucumber? An unexpected soup!

Too much lettuce & cucumber? An unexpected soup!

Some seasons everything clicks and you find yourself with a lot of produce to deal with! Especially with cucumber and salad, you can suddenly have so much that you don't really know what...

Too much lettuce & cucumber? An unexpected soup!

Some seasons everything clicks and you find yourself with a lot of produce to deal with! Especially with cucumber and salad, you can suddenly have so much that you don't really know what...

Beans, beans & more beans - getting ready for the new GreenStalk

Beans, beans & more beans - getting ready for t...

We'll be expanding our GreenStalk vertical garden with one more tower this year, and I thought I'd get a head start on the bush beans and Swiss chard we're going...

Beans, beans & more beans - getting ready for t...

We'll be expanding our GreenStalk vertical garden with one more tower this year, and I thought I'd get a head start on the bush beans and Swiss chard we're going...