Where to place your new GreenStalk?

Plan before you plant

Ideally you will decide where your new GreenStalk will stand before you start to plan.

The watering system will work at it's best when placed on a flat, level surface. The tower itself is 48cm in diameter, and your plants will need some space in addition to that. Leafy plants not so much, but larger fruit bearing plants will grow outward and will need some space to do it.

Make sure your grow tower is straight and not leaning. In some cases it can be good to anchor the tower with 3 support lines on windy days, just to prevent it from tipping over.

Keep in mind that your plant tower with 5 or 7 levels weighs a lot and the weight of each level depending on the soil mix and humidity can vary between 20 - 30 kg. When placed on a lawn, it is best to place on flat stone slabs, to prevent leaning and keep it from sinking into the lawn.

Consider the total weight also if you want your grow tower on, for example, a balcony. Are you unsure whether your balcony can handle the weight? Check with your building company or landlord!

If possible, give the GreenStalk the sunniest space you have - most vegetables and annuals will do best in full sun. Full sun is generally defined as at least 6 hours direct sun a day - though some vegetables really need 8-10 hours to meet expectations.

If you have such a spot - great! But not all of us are blessed with sunny spaces, and if you are not, don't despair. There are lots of plants that tolerate or even prefer partial sun (3-6 hours direct sun a day).

Grow vegetables in partial sun

We find that lettuce, spinach, arugula, kale, pak choy, tatsoi and most herbs not only tolerate but can even do better in partial sun. In full sun they can wilt, become bitter or much too quick to bolt.

Bush beans and peas will also give a very satisfying harvest in partial sun, as will green onions and kale.

Beets, carrots, potatoes, chard, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, leeks, mustard greens, parsnips and turnips - virtually all of our space is partial sun at best, and all of these are routinely delegated to the shadier parts of our already only half-sunny space, and give a delightful harvest nonetheless. Some of them will need a bit more time than had they been in full sun, or perhaps the produce is a tad smaller, but absolutely worth it.

With this in mind, determine first where you will place your GreenStalk, and plan your your GreenStalk garden accordingly.