What kind of soil should I use in my GreenStalk Vertical Planter?

Fill your GreenStalk vertical planter with potting soil/potting mix

Good drainage is important for all container growing, and especially important when growing in a GreenStalk for the irrigation function to function as intended. Potting soil usually contains peat and/or bark for a coarse and airy structure and good drainage, and is heavily fertilized with long-acting fertilizer. Potting mix is produced specifically for the requirements of container growing.

Many people also like to add some form of organic substrate, such as worm manure, shellfish meal, kelp meal - manure and minerals simply to get an extra nutritious soil, which makes a noticeable difference in the cultivation of most vegetables.

You can also mix perlite or coconut fiber into the potting soil if you want, for an even more airy soil. We at Grow Towers prefer to add about 35% coconut fiber - this is optional and a matter of taste.

Do not use top soil, raised bed soil or garden soil in your GreenStalk - the watering function will not work satisfactorily and there is a risk that your plants will not thrive as well either.

And don't forget to fertilize during the season! The nutrients that are in the soil at planting are not enough for the entire season.

Why do we add Cocopeat to our potting soil?

Coconut fiber (coir) is a common product used in terrariums, seedbeds and in garden plantings, etc., it is a residual product that is reused. Coconut fiber is neutral in pH and is therefore suitable for most plants and is a fantastic product to use in container growing just like perlite - although much cheaper in terms of volume.

We like it most for its ability to hold and release water, as its fibers act like a sponge and reduce the need for watering. We immediately noticed after we began using coconut fiber how we didn't need to water our GreenStalks and other containers nearly as often.

This is because coconut holds water up to 8-10 times its own weight, without becoming sunky. It breaks down 4 times slower than regular peat and thus maintains it's structure longer. Dehydrated coconut easily absorbs water again - and releases it again slowly when the surrounding soil begins to dry up. This is especially appreciated with tomatoes, which can easily crack with uneven watering.

Thanks to cocopeat in the soil, the soil mixture also helps to easily bring oxygen down to the roots. Coir helps to maintain the right balance between water retention and aeration capacity and thus avoid problems such as rotting due to excess humidity and reduces water stress on hot Summer days. It gives healthy and fine roots, because it can release or absorb heat very quickly.

Mixing in cocopeat provides an airy soil mix that is also beneficial for the watering function of a GreenStalk grow tower.

Coconut fiber is available as both coarse and fine, feel free to use a mixture of both, and choose a product labeled as "washed and buffered."

Coconut fiber is a dry product when purchased, and needs to be soaked before use.

Cocopeat has a pH value between 5.5 and 6.2, which is suitable for most crops and helps the soil retain nutrients  longer, and then gradually release them to the plants

The coconut has no nutrients of its own and you cannot use only coconut fiber to grow in (with the exception of seeds that will be re-schooled after emergence). If you choose to use coir in your GreenStalk, use it as a supplement to a good nutrient-rich potting soil - not instead of.